All of our journals have their own independent editorial boards that ensure quality of the articles that are published, and all published issues are submitted for inclusion in recognised indexing agencies. Our titles are already indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, the Directory of Open Access Journals, and EBSCO. More information about publishing in our journals is available from here.
Technology in Language Teaching & Learning
Technology in Language Teaching & Learning is a peer-reviewed open access international journal, publishing original articles three times per year. The journal accepts articles focusing on all areas of language teaching and/or learning through technology, and research reporting on computer- and mobile-assisted language learning and cultural or intercultural learning, as well as policies, theories and methods of technology integration into language education and other similar or relevant research will be accepted for review.
Migration and Language Education
Migration and Language Education is an innovative open access journal devoted to research intersecting two different dimensions, namely immigration and language education. When a person migrates, it is particularly difficult to adapt to a host country unless s/he already has acquired its language(s). At the same time, the migrants' linguistic assets have intrinsic relationships with the identities and communication cultures of the migrants and their families. Thus, migration is naturally associated with various aspects of language education. This journal invites new and creative manuscripts that can discuss languages, language acquisition, identity problems, language policy, and social integration that are triggered by migration.